In the world of cloud computing, monitoring and analytics play a pivotal role. Amazon CloudWatch stands out as a robust monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS. Let’s dive into a practical example of how to use PowerShell to emit metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, to give you better observability.

The Need for Custom Metrics: Link to heading

Custom metrics in CloudWatch allow you to track operational health and performance of your systems. From tracking the number of active users to monitoring the throughput of a transaction process, custom metrics can provide invaluable insights into your application’s behavior. At scale, you can use aggregate metrics to keep an eye on thousands or millions of processes, best of all you can let the systems do the work.

PowerShell and CloudWatch: A Powerful Combination Link to heading

Early in my career at AWS, I wrote a lot of PowerShell to run on Windows Server EC2 instances at scale. PowerShell, with its versatility and ease of use, is an excellent tool for interacting with AWS services, including CloudWatch. By scripting your metrics, you can automate monitoring tasks, leading to more efficient and reliable operations.

Sample Script Link to heading

Our example involves a PowerShell script that emits a distinct metric to CloudWatch. Let’s break it down:

  1. Creating a Metric Datum: We start by creating an instance of the MetricDatum class. This object represents a data point for a CloudWatch metric.

    $metric1 = New-Object Amazon.CloudWatch.Model.MetricDatum
  2. Setting Metric Properties: We then set various properties of this metric, such as TimeStamp, MetricName, Unit, and Value. These properties define what the metric is about and its measurement.

    $metric1.TimeStamp = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
    $metric1.MetricName = "TestMetric"
    $metric1.Unit = "Count"
    $metric1.Value = 42
  3. Namespace Specification: A namespace is like a container for CloudWatch metrics. We specify this to categorize and isolate our custom metrics. I used my first initial here, you can use whatever makes sense for your use case.

    $namespace1 = "MyPowerShellScript/Test"
  4. Emitting the Metric: Finally, we use the Write-CWMetricData cmdlet to send the metric data to CloudWatch.

    Write-CWMetricData -NameSpace $namespace1 -MetricData $metric1

Benefits and Applications Link to heading

This script is particularly useful for:

  • Automating the emission of custom metrics.
  • Efficiently monitoring different aspects of your application.
  • Integrating into larger automation scripts for comprehensive monitoring solutions.
  • Creating CloudWatch Alarms from these metrics, which can trigger other actions.

Conclusion: Link to heading

Using PowerShell to interact with Amazon CloudWatch allows for flexible and powerful monitoring of AWS resources and applications. Custom scripts, like the one we’ve explored, provide a scalable and efficient method to manage cloud monitoring, enhancing your cloud management capabilities.

Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services:

If you found this example helpful and are interested in a deeper dive into leveraging PowerShell within the AWS ecosystem, you might find my book, “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services”, particularly valuable. As one of the authors, I’ve aimed to create a comprehensive resource that helps you master the use of PowerShell in managing and automating your AWS environment. The book is filled with insights, examples, and practical knowledge to enhance your AWS journey.

Emmanuel Tsouris is a Systems Development Manager working in the cloud, with extensive experience in cloud platforms, enterprise management, and automation. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, biking, cooking, photography, and writing. For more insights and tips, visit